Texans’ Johnson and Titan’s Finnegan were ejected from the game and both were fined for their fistfighting on the football field. Yes, football is an aggressive game and yes you need to be pumped up, but if you lose your cool, you will lose your game.
egardless of sport, or situation, you have to have emotional control, especially in the toughest of situations. Whether you are a police office, fireman or professional football player, you need to be prepared for such situations. Johnson and Finnegan do not like each other, and they have had fights in the past. They both should have been ready for this, and if they were, neither would have been ejected from the game last Sunday.
Dr.Gregg Steinberg is a sport psychologist to many professional athletes, motivational speaker, business keynote speaker and leadership trainer and sales trainer. To see more about mental toughness strategies and going Full throttle in your sales, business and life, go to www.drgreggsteinberg.com and see his new book, Full Throttle : 122 Strategies to supercharge your energy and performance at work on amazon.com. To see more about his coaching go to http://tinyurl.com/yemlfs8 and to see his products go to http://tinyurl.com/yjk5q6x
Regardless if you play football or are a business person, you need to have a planned response for difficult situations-Then you will have emotional control